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valderfields下载百度云 valderfields吉他谱 全球热资讯

来源:城市网    时间:2023-04-25 15:17:49



1、C G Am Em i was found on the ground by the fountain at valder fields and was almost dry F Clying in the sun after i had tried F Glying in the sun by the sideC G Am Em we had agreed that the council would end at three hours over time F Cshoelaces were tied at the traffic lights F Gi was running late i could apply F Cfor another one i guess F Gif department stores are bestF C FGthey said there would be delays and only temporary pay F Cfor another one i guess F Gif department stores are bestF C FGthey said there would be delays and only temporary pay后面的重复,只是歌词不一样,这个是自己扒的简单谱。




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